Lung Diseases

NLS-investigation with lung diseases

NLS-diagnostic of lung abscess
S.N. Makarova

A screening NLS-investigation detected two cases of lung abscess in feverish patients who were complaining of pain in the right hypochondriac region. The patient were subjected in order to preclude an abdominal cavity pathology.
The NLS examination was conducted by means of "Oberon-4009" device equipped with digital trigger sensor. (1,4GHz).
Patient N., age 57, was admitted to therapeutic department. He was complaining of a week-long fever with the temperature of up to 40?C, a moderate non-productive cough and pain in the right hypochondriac region as a result of catching a cold. He came to see the doctor tan days after falling ill. The anamnesis read a bilateral pneumonia 14 days before. The clinical blood analysis indicated an increased leukocyte content- up to 18.7 x 109 with a flush left leucogram. The common urinalysis showed no deviation. Physical examination vesicular pulmonary respiration, weakened in lower section on the right with no rhonchi.
Tong drt, with furred. Belly soft, with frank painfulness in the right hypochondriac region. No symptoms of peritoneum irritation in evidence. Pasternatski symptom negative on the right and left.

The NLs-investigation on the abdominal cavity did not detect any sings of pathology in the liver, gallbladder or pancreas. On the right there are visualized blackening in the diaphragramatic pleura (4-5 points according to Flandler's scale) and an image of voluminous formation in the right lung was acquired (5-6 points). On the dorsal thoracic wall there was an image of a enhanced chromogenic formation (6 points) of a heterogeneous internal structure, sized 80x65x54 cm. the lung tissue around the nidus had a higher chromogenic density (4-5 points) on account of infiltration. A spectral simillirality to the "lung abscess" reference standard (D=0.312) was detected. The investigation of the left lung and pleural cavities did not detect any structural changes. NLS conclusion: certain sings of developing abscess in the right lung.
The check radiological investigation arrived at the conclusion: abscess in the lower lobe of the right lung in progress.
A repeated NLS examination was conducted 10 days later. It visualized a rounded hyporchromogenic formation with uneven outlines with some hyporchromogenic zones inside, sized 81x60x51 mm.

The chromogenic density of the lung tissue around the nidus was somewhat higher ( due to infiltration), and the folia of the visceral and parictal pleuras were blackened in the lower section of the right lung.
The patient was offered the further therapy in the specialized surgical department, which he turned down. 3 weeks later, after some anti -inflammatory therapy a check NLS examination was performed. During the examination the patient complained of coughing with a profuse sputrum discharge. His temperature was normal, the clinical blood analysis indicated a leucocytecount of 8.6x109, and the differential blood count was within the standard and ESR grew up to 37 mmr/h. the NLS-investigation visualized rounded formation with even outlines, increased chomogenic density and heterogenous internal structure sized 47x43. The chromogenic density of the lung tissue around the perimeter decreased (because of reduced infiltration).
At the patient's urgent appeal he was discharged from hospital from further outpatient treatments. Later he underwent two check examinations conducted.

Patient M. age 63, was eliminated by means of the NLS method in order to preclude a liver or gall bladder pathology.
An LNS-ivestigation of the lung and pleural cavities was carried out. In the left lung and pleural cavites it found no sings of pathology in evidence. In the right lung in the IX, X AND XI hypochondria (from the paravertebral line to the scapular one) it parietally visualized a formation having an increased chromogenic density and sized 85x60 mm uneven outlines and heterogenous structures (due to inclusions of a decreased chromogenic density0 sized 3-4 mm. the chromogenic density of the lung tissue was not increased. NLS conclusion: sing o abscess in the right lung?
Clinical conclusion: abscess in the lower lobe of the right lung.

The patient had check NLS-investigation conducted against background of anti-inflammatory therapy.
With the NLS-investigation performed 10 day later the formation looked rounded, had even outlines, and increased chromogenic density (3-4 points) because of infiltration. The formation measured 73x50x60 mm.
The NLS-investigation 2 weeks later did not detected any positive dynamies from the administered anti-inflammatory therapy.
The submitted the clinical observations once again confirmed the NLS-investigation with lung diseases is not used in clinical practice as often as it deserves.
Beside, the dynamic NLS-observation of the patient affected by lung diseases allow to assess the efficiency of the employed therapy and reduce the radiation load both on patient and the medical personnel